Yadea X-MAN YD-EM151+
The X-MAN YD-EM151+ is no longer in production.
The Yadea X-MAN YD-EM151+ is an Electric Scooter from the well known Chinese electric scooter manufacturer Yadea in partnership with sustainable designer Beckers from Sweden. Beckers is a 150-year old company specialized in eco-friendly coatings. The scooter is designed by Beckers and is provided with scratch resistant sustainable coating in many colors.
The X-MAN model YD-EM151+ is a new 2016 version of the older (2013) X-MAN model YD-EM151.
The scooter has a European EEC and American DOT certificate which makes it easy to register the scooter. The scooter can be ordered online (by email) and is shipped world wide.
The scooter has 1,500 watt electric rear-hub motor and a 20 Ah Lithium battery with a range of 50 km.
The scooter is available in many colors.
2025 Yadea Models
Old Models
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